How Much Water Do You Drink to Flush Your Body?

Sweet, 125 ounces a day! That’s all I need.

HI-Drate H2O


An exact water recommendation for optimal flushing doesn’t exist. However, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends a certain amount of fluid just to make your body run normally and remove waste. If you are female, the recommendation is 2.7 liters daily, or around 91 ounces. As a man, you need at least 3.7 liters, which is 125 ounces per day. Don’t drink everything at once, though.


Water isn’t the only way to meet your fluid needs. All drinks, including low-fat milk and 100 percent fruit juices, help up your fluid intake. Caffeinated beverages, like coffee and tea, increase your fluid level as well. But caffeine can have a diuretic effect, making you urinate excessively and ultimately leaving you dehydrated if you have excessive amounts.

Drinking Too Much

While you might think that guzzling bottles of water all day long will help flush out your system…

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Day One, let the madness begin!

Waking up early vs, Late.

highschool was an amazing place wasn’t it? A place to which one should develop habits to carry into adulthood.  the very foundation of our life long journeys. I’m what most would say,  a night owl. This consist mainly of; staying awake until 3 in the morning, waking up at 8 or 9 AM. That’s an average of 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night.

On that note, I will start setting my alarm at 7 AM. Would it be easier to start a routine, should you wake up the same time every day?

On a good note. The day was started off by 2 glasses of water, Daily vitamins,  and an orange. No Ciggarette, no nicotine. Wish me luck, for I’m going to need it on this endeavor.

“Mitch” Are you ready to do this?


     Good Evening everyone! It’s another sweltering hot yet timid day in the San Joaquin Valley. This Blog goes out to anyone who might not be able to find the daily motivation to turn their life around.  I myself am going to set myself amongst a series of challenges that will make me or break me.

     Now I’m no professional,  I have no “degree”, and I haven’t spent much of my time researching nutrition,  or exercise.  But common sense is enough to get started right?

Deathly Smoke, and Nicotine

    First things first,  Quit Smoking. Now I’m a human being just like the rest of you. I started smoking back in highschool when I couldn’t help but succumb to peer pressure, and found an interest in cigarettes.  Looking back I wish the habit was something I never picked up.  Spending near 30 dollars of hard earned money a week just to shorten my life span and ruin my athletic capabilities?

Second,  Water,  water,  water!

    Water has no Calories in it,  no artificial coloring/flavor, and most importantly no sugar.  I wouldn’t think that someone would have to be a rocket scientist to understand that sugar is one of the main reasons some of us might be a little over weight. I myself have some weight to lose and gain.

Let’s keep it simple. This will my the challenge for week one.

A.  Find positive things to do rather than smoke a cigarette.

B. How much water do you drink a day? A cup, a quart, a gallon? From now on only water for me.